Sunday, 18 October 2015

Drone Racing Event

We are ecstatic to announce that SPARC Robotics, in collaboration with the Electronics Society of St. Stephen's College, Delhi University are going to host a great RC Event where people can come together and showcase their RC Skills and meet fellow fliers.

As some of you might know, RcHubIndia, under the name of SPARC Robotics has just released the very first 3D Printed frames in India.
You may have a look at the frame and the sales threads here -

To showcase our frames to the great community at RcIndia, we have organized an event at St. Stephen's College, Delhi University which will also be a great opportunity to meet several fliers across Delhi and the neighbouring states.

The event has been divided into two parts - 

Exhibition - 
The Exhibition will showcase the process of developing the frames and how were they realized.
The Electronics Society of St. Stephen's College will showcase their achievements.

A special feature will be an introduction to 3D Printing technology and a look at the printer which started it all.

Competition - 
The competition will consist of two parts - 
1. Sprint - As the name signifies, the participants will sprint their copters over a long length of open track. This is a simple event which will test the acceleration and speed of the copter and does not require a lot of expertise in flying.
2. Obstacle Course - The second event will consist of a short and simple obstacle course in which the participant will have to maneuver their copter through tight spaces and complete in the shortest time possible.

Both the events will be simple but highly engaging to encourage participation from beginning fliers.

One of the event's main goals is to promote the hobby among people, and also to encourage interaction between the new and veteran fliers.
Anyone, from anywhere in India, and of any age may apply, they do not need to be a student.

If you cannot participate, you are encouraged to come anyway and meet with the fellow hobbyists and have fun.

Now for the fun part - 
There is no registration fee.
Every participant will get one complete 3D Printed frame for free!
Every participant will also get certificates from the college.
The Winners will get trophies and a 3D Printed 450 frame from SPARC robotics as a prize when they are released in December.

Note : More details about the competition will be released in the subsequent days and registration links will be put up.
The venue will be St. Stephen's College in Delhi.
The event will take place in the last week of October 2015.
Participants are required to bring their own multicopters and other equipment with themselves.

FPV Gear is not required for the event.

We expect to see you there!
Fellow Fliers - RcHubIndia

(contact for participation)